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Yoga: the origin, benefits and practices

It is often essential to understand a niche before stepping into it. Yoga is an ancient practice that balances our body, mind and spirit. The effect of yoga on a person's life is beyond comprehension. This discipline first came into being in India around (1000-500 BCE).

The origin of Yoga follows two theories, viz., The Linear model of Vedic origin and the Synthesis model of Vedic and non-Vedic pieces. The transition of yoga from pre-post Vedic, pre-classical, and post-classical to the 21st century is quite prominent, yet the philosophy remains the same.

Why is Yoga important

Yoga can be considered an alternative medicine for a lot of health problems. The visible effects it brings to a person's life in what yoga does.

Yoga brings balance, efficiency and tranquility amidst hassle. It is a good exercise for everyone as it offers many health benefits. It is an inclusive technique focusing on various aspects of human conditioning.

Know the various health benefits of yoga here:

  • It enhances the flexibility of the body

  • It helps to relieve body pain and stress

  • Yoga improves mental health

  • Yoga helps to build strength and immunity

  • Yoga alleviates anxiety and depression

  • It enhances the quality of life

  • The breathing techniques improve the cardiorespiratory functioning

  • Yoga provides quality sleep, boosts self-esteem, and promotes self-awareness

  • Yoga increases bone strength

  • It enhances brain functionality

  • It helps to lose belly fat

There are many types of yoga out there with levels of difficulty. Yoga is the new hype now; one can even build a career out of it.

Glimpses from our International Yoga Day 2022 event

Types of Yoga practices

Yoga is not an exercise to push through the edge and harm the body. It is all about composure and posture; only then can one make the best out of it. There exist many types of modern yoga. The traditional yoga practices and their advantages are as follows:

  1. Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga is one of the traditional yoga which focuses on awareness, balance, and breathing meditation. It is the most common type of yoga. This yoga is best for beginners as it focuses more on posture building and includes basic postures and balancing techniques.

  2. Ashtanga Yoga The yoga of warriors is a series of eight principles. The eight principles or limbs are the yamas, niyama, asana, pranayama, dharna, dhyana, pratyahara and samadhi. This technique is a series of postures flowing in sync with breathing and keeps the mind relaxed while working out. Ashtanga yoga is good for destressing and helps in weight loss. It enhances flexibility, endurance, and self-control both physically and mentally.

  3. Vinyasa Yoga Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic form of yoga focusing on the flow of body movements following a sequence of patterns or postures. It is known as an intensified form of Hatha Yoga. This yoga is ideal for people who are into intense and faster body movement exercises. Vinyasa yoga boosts concentration levels and improves vital capacity.

  4. Kundalini Yoga It is a relaxing form of yoga. It combines spiritual philosophy, meditation, mantras and breath control to bring spiritual healing and stretch off the stress of the spine. Kundalini Yoga focuses on detoxifying the mind and body and finding solace in inner peace. It also activates the nervous system and regulates blood circulation.

  5. Iyengar Yoga Iyengar Yoga is the practice of balance and breath control synchronously. This yoga focuses on the training of applying proper alignment to correct the posture. This yoga is for people falling into the following categories: elderly, people with an injury, physically inactive people, and beginners. This balancing technique for the body and mind provides flexibility and body posture improvement.

  6. Bikram Yoga Bikram yoga is a series of 26 postures practised at a temperature set to 35 to 40 Degrees. It is also known as Hot Yoga. It challenges you to face adversity and see through it. This sequence of asanas helps in weight loss, increases muscle strength and detoxifies the inner system. This yoga is for you if you want to burn 600 calories in one go.

There are different levels of yoga practices available. Some yogas are easy, some complicated, a few focus on fixing postures, while others on breathing techniques. Choose the right yoga fit for your body, and start this beautiful journey of self-discovery and well-being.


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